Complaints Policy

We are committed to providing the best service and products to our customers. However, on rare occasions, we recognise that there are times when a customer may not be completely satisfied.

To ensure we are able to put things right as soon as possible, we need you to tell us about it, to enable us to conduct a proper investigation.

Our Procedure

Either call us on 0800 6128 933 and press option 2 when prompted or email us at addressed to the Operations Department. Please give us as much information as possible to enable us to respond quickly.

We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 2 working days and the relevant Team Manager will review all communications and evidence and discuss the matter with those involved. They will fully respond to your complaint within 5 working days and where applicable, provide you with a date to remedy any issues raised.

If you are not happy with the Managers response, then you can put your concerns in writing or via email for the attention of the Managing Director. Your complaint will be acknowledged within 2 working days and a response will be issued within 5 working days setting out our final position on the matter.

If you remain dissatisfied with our response, as a Which? Trusted Trader we use the Dispute Resolution Ombudsman to help us reach a resolution. They can be contacted directly as follows:

Tel: 0333 241 3209

More information about the Which? Trusted Trader’s complaints procedure can be found here.